

英語や独語、中国語など外国語に触れる機会は今後も多くなるでしょう。そこで翻訳サービスを上手に活用出来たら語学の壁を越えてできることが広がります。 もちろん不自由を感じないほど自前の語学力があることが一番ですが、その習得にはそれなりの期間が必要となります。 習得までに翻訳サービスも併用して言葉に慣れることは有益です。



deepl、google翻訳どちらも基本的な使いかたは同じです。 サイトにアクセスして(deeplgoogle翻訳)、画面の指示に従い、左枠に翻訳したい文章を入力します。 この時、コピーペーストでも入力可能です。 その後、数秒で翻訳された別言語の文章が表示されます。



先日研究室終わりの帰り道、時間は9時くらいですか、横断歩道で信号が切り替わるの待っていました。 ふと肩幅に開いた脚のすねに違和感を感じて下を見ると、黒猫が股下の狭い通路をくぐり抜けています。 私が猫に気づく時、黒猫も見上げてきて黄色い眼と視線が合います。 その瞬間、私は飛びあがりました。「うわっあ、びっくりした」

私の叫びに横にいた学生らしきお兄さんはびっくりしていました。 そして猫も驚いたのでしょう、そのお兄さんの元に避難していました。 さっきまで私の脚で遊んでいたのになかなか薄情な奴です。

青信号に換わりました。驚いたことを少し恥ずかしく思いながら横断歩道を歩くと反対側からすれ違う人も少し笑っています。 やってしまった。道を渡って振り返ると猫とお兄さんはまだ元の位置にいます。 そしてすれ違った人も知り合いだったようで2人して猫をかまっています。 その様子を見てなんだかほっこりして帰宅しました。




On my way home from the lab the other day, it was about 9 o'clock, and I was waiting at the crosswalk for the traffic light to change. I suddenly felt something strange on the shins of my shoulder-width legs and looked down to see a black cat passing through the narrow passage under my legs. When I noticed the cat, it looked up at me and its yellow eyes met mine. At that moment, I jumped up and down. "Oh my God, you scared me!"

My shout startled the older man beside me, who looked like a student. The cat must have been startled too, because it took refuge with him. He was playing with my leg, but he was quite heartless.

The light turned green. I walked through the crosswalk, feeling a little embarrassed at my surprise, and the people passing me from the other side were laughing a little. I've done it. I crossed the street and looked back to see the cat and his brother still in their original positions. And the person I passed seemed to know them, and they were both bothering the cat. I went home somewhat relieved to see them.

It was a day of being surprised, embarrassed, and healed by cats.


The other day, on the way back from the end of the laboratory, it was about 9 o'clock, I was waiting for the signal to switch at the pedestrian crossing. Suddenly, I felt a sense of discomfort in the shins of my legs that opened to the width of my shoulders, and when I looked down, a black cat passed through a narrow passage in my inseam. When I notice the cat, the black cat also looks up and the yellow eyes meet. At that moment, I jumped up. "Wow, I was surprised."

The student-like brother who was next to my cry was surprised. And the cat might have been surprised, she was evacuating to her brother. He's a rather ruthless guy who was playing with my legs a while ago.

It has changed to a green light. When I walked on the pedestrian crossing, feeling a little embarrassed about what I was surprised at, people passing by from the other side were laughing a little. I've done it. Looking back across the road, the cat and brother are still in their original positions. And it seems that the people who passed each other were acquainted with each other, and they are biting a cat. After seeing the situation, I felt relaxed and went home.

It was such a day that cats were surprised, embarrassed, and healed.





